John 18:28-38 Jesus is led to the Roman Govenor, Pontus Pilate who investigates the charges against Jesus. The result of the first phase of this trial is an innocent...
Author - Nathan Pellegra
Nathan lived much of his early teenage years thinking his eternal destiny was secured in heaven. After facing the gripping truth that "a good tree bears good fruit" he realized he did not have an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. It was in college that the Holy Spirit revealed the depth of Nathan's sin and he fully trusted in the atoning work of Christ for his salvation from the condemnation of God. Upon receiving new life in Christ, he began growing in his understanding of the Scriptures and he faithfully served his church body. This led to a desire to further his education in seminary and serve the church in gospel ministry. He earned his Masters of Divinity degree at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and he finds his greatest joys in preaching God's word to the people that have been entrusted to his care.
Before his responsibility as Pastor, Nathan strives to lead his wife and children in a biblical way. He is married to his incredible wife Amy and they are graciously blessed with five children: Molly, Grace Ann, Lily, Peter and Mila.
Matthew 27:1-10 How will you be remembered when you die? What is your legacy? For Judas, the disciple of Jesus, he died being known as a betrayer. His sin against the...
Mark 14:66-72 Peter’s denial of Jesus has always been a sad and tragic moment in the story of Christ. His denial clearly comes from the fear of man and the...
Why Christians Forgive Philemon 4-7 Music and notes – We stream our services live every Sunday. Please remember to like, subscribe, and ring the bell in order to...
We stream our services live every Sunday. Please remember to like, subscribe, and ring the bell in order to be notified when new videos go up!
As a man, Jesus endured the dishonor and shame that was attributed to a criminal in his day, but yet He was sinless in every way. These trials of Jesus, the beatings...
Betrayal seems like part of our life in this world. It comes from the effects of sin on humanity. Whether it is a loved one, a co-worker, a neighbor or friend, betrayal...
Matthew 26:36-46 Every tragedy that a person faces is considered the worst because it is personal and the pain from that event is real and lingering. It is hard to even...
Luke 22:35-38 In an obscure passage only found in Luke, Jesus makes an interesting statement to his disciples about arming themselves as they will face a growing...
John 17: 20-26 Jesus concludes his prayer to the Father regarding his followers present and in the future church. In his conclusion, he prays for their unity as they...