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Redemption Community Church

Redemption Community Church exists to worship God and make His glory known to all people across His creation. We desire to be a culturally diverse community of disciples of Jesus Christ who, by the sovereign grace of God, have surrendered our lives by faith and repentance to the atoning work of Christ alone. Having been regenerated and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we desire to represent the Kingdom of God here on earth by shining the light of the Gospel to the dark, sin-saturated world around us.

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Latest videos

The Quest for Truth

John 18:28-38 Jesus is led to the Roman Govenor, Pontus Pilate who investigates the charges against Jesus. The result of the first phase of this trial is an innocent...

The Sorrow Over Sin

Matthew 27:1-10 How will you be remembered when you die? What is your legacy? For Judas, the disciple of Jesus, he died being known as a betrayer. His sin against the...

The Fear of Man

Mark 14:66-72 Peter’s denial of Jesus has always been a sad and tragic moment in the story of Christ. His denial clearly comes from the fear of man and the...

Why Christians Forgive

Why Christians Forgive Philemon 4-7 Music and notes – We stream our services live every Sunday. Please remember to like, subscribe, and ring the bell in order to...


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