Betrayal seems like part of our life in this world. It comes from the effects of sin on humanity. Whether it is a loved one, a co-worker, a neighbor or friend, betrayal...
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Matthew 26:36-46 Every tragedy that a person faces is considered the worst because it is personal and the pain from that event is real and lingering. It is hard to even...
Luke 22:35-38 In an obscure passage only found in Luke, Jesus makes an interesting statement to his disciples about arming themselves as they will face a growing...
Proverbs 1:7-19 The God appointed authority structures and the blessings of obedience to them. And a warning to flee the rebellion of the world. We stream our services...
John 17: 20-26 Jesus concludes his prayer to the Father regarding his followers present and in the future church. In his conclusion, he prays for their unity as they...
Jesus prays for his people. He is the advocate for the church, his bride, before the Father in prayer. In John 17, Jesus prays for the faith of his disciples, for their...